Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A good perspective from the Anti-gun crowd.

Doug Leier has a really good article on the stupidity of the anti gun crowd. guns n suv's I know for the most part we are preaching to the crowd and the people we have to educate on the matter can't be bargained with, however, the crux of the argument can be summed up in these three paragraphs of the article. Folks this is what we have to contend with if the Left Wingers like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schummer and Hillary Clinton get their Liberal majorities the MSM is hoping for. Gun owners rights will be the first to go.

Criminals are - and always have been - the problem with the firearms - or knives, or sticks or any blunt object with which trauma can be inflicted. And criminals seem to be getting younger -and more prone to violence.

That would seem apparent from the statistical analysis and one gang member's recounting of how guns are passed from new member to new member in a "rite of passage".

Apparently, however, it isn't apparent to some.

One side of the firearms question believes that all we have to do to eliminate firearm violence is simply collect all the firearms - legal or otherwise.

To the lawful firearm owner, that's a laughable position.


Nin said...

Guns don't kill people....stupid mother f---ers with guns kill people.

I don't like guns and I don't hunt but I still don't think taking all guns away is the answer.

Ryan said...

No realistic person really believes banning all guns is the answer to gun violence, but something does have to change. The kid that shot up the college on the east coast earlier this year was in mental hospitals, and he walked into a pawn shop and bought guns no sweat.

And it isn't only criminals who use guns - what about the military sharpshooter who shot his estranged wife a few weeks ago while she was performing onstage with her band?

Guns aren't the problem, but easy access and a lack of responsibility are.

We live in a free society, of course, so allowing people to own guns entails a certain risk they'll be used to commit crimes, and that risk is hard to lower. (This is similar to how we have a society which promotes freedom of expression, so we accept, by living here, the risk of being offended.)