Monday, August 03, 2009

It's going to be a tough August recess for our leaders.

The public needs to keep hammering the politicians and let them know they work for us and that we don't want this socialist and Marxist crap. Kudos to the guy for asking the question that Spector fumbled badly. The fact remains is that they don’t even read the legislation that they are passing. This a perfect example of why we need term limits.


Brent said...

I would agree that it shows that the public is upset about what the politicians are doing, except for one small little thing. You have conservative lobbyists deciding to get people out there and try to intimidate the congressmen. So until the crowds are not being rallied by organizations and are truly grassroots uprisings, I say that they are political kabuki.

Eric J. Burton said...

I don't believe that these crowds are as organized as princess Pelosi would like us to believe.