Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I wonder if Harry Reid has seen this picture.

Someone sent me this story in a email. It's one of those stories that you will never see in the left wing hate America first media. Don't count on this story being the lefts leaning CNN (aka Communist News Network or Corrupt News Network), PMSNBC, the LA Times, Washington Compost, Red Star and Sickle (Minneapolis Star and Tribune) or New York Slimes.

It's a tough, but heart warming story...with a picture of John Gebhardt in Iraq. John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nigh ts holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.

He is a real Star of the war, and represents what the Western world is trying to do.

This, my friends, is worth sharing with the WORLD! Go for it!!

Its True Check it out on Snoops.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the kind of stuff we should hear more of and focus our energy on. Those American soldiers never get the recognition they deserve. They are true heroes.