Wait till the NOBAMA cheering mainstream media and the millions of people that voted for him find out that he isn’t the Messiah, he can’t part the oceans, feed millions and pay peoples mortgages and car payments, (like the one moron that supports NOBAMA said the other day). There are going to be a lot of people that are goin to be disappointed.

This picture is a perfect illustration of liberalism in America, they love spending other peoples hard earned money but don’t like to spend their own…

Cross posted at Goon North Dakota Red Neck
1 comment:
It is just a matter of time that voters realize that the system is off balance and I believe they will vote to restore balance in the next election. Until then we need to regroup and redouble our efforts. Conservatives are in for a rough two years, but we have to stay united in our vigilance to advance a conservative agenda. If we give up now we will lose what little precious ground we have gained.
The conservative organizations that have been tried and true to the cause are going to be key to keeping congress in check. We have to get behind them and add voices to those insisting on small government and lower taxes. . I go to the US Chamber site often and I found this video and the message is right on. . .
Now, more than ever, we have to stick together.
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