The Election of A Life Time?
The up coming election this November 7th is proving to be one of the important elections in many years. In fact, this may prove to be the most important election in our countries history, or at least the most important during my short lifetime of 40 years. Some could make the argument that democrat’s tricks to win this election could be seen as dirty or questionable. The Democrats are pulling out all the stops in hope they can finally pull out an election victory, even though they have no message other than the GOP is corrupt. They are leaving no stone unturned. The Left is using plethora of issues to run on: an unpopular war in Iraq, the Foley Page scandal, the Jack Abraham lobbing scandal and many other issues. Here are some of the issues that are out there in the upcoming election.
Fear Mongering
Check out this blog spot. I suppose if you put it out there enough people will think it’s true.
GOP Dirty Tricks
Republican Strategy:
Demoralize the Democratic base with phony press releases and whisper campaigns.
Attack opponent’s strength with character assassination. Suppress the vote in every possible way.
Buy some people off with tax cuts. Scare the rest into voting against their own interests.
In the 2004 election there was massive GOP voter fraud and suppression; from black box voting fraud, vote tabulating fraud, re-registering people into different precincts, destroying voter registration forms, misinformation in poor neighborhoods, moving polls close to election day, old ballot machines in poor and black neighborhoods that spoil votes, ballot checking machines in wealthy neighborhoods that allow wealthy voters to re-cast spoiled ballots, police intimidation, caging lists and on and on and on. The result was an 8 million vote discrepancy between the official results and exit polls. The official results had Bush winning by 3 million votes but the exit polls had Kerry winning by 5 million votes.
The Tone is being Set
Democrats are already putting out the notion that we should be prepared for another rigged election.
WSJ Article
Despite a generally buoyant Democratic Party nationally," the New York Times reports, "there are worries among Democratic strategists in some states that blacks may not turn up at the polls in big enough numbers because of disillusionment over past shenanigans." What shenanigans would those be? The paper explains:
"This notion that elections are stolen and that elections are rigged is so common in the public sphere that we're having to go out of our way to counter them this year," said Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist. . . .
Democrats' worries are backed up by a Pew Research Center report that found that blacks were twice as likely now than they were in 2004 to say they had little or no confidence in the voting system, rising to 29 percent from 15 percent. And more than three times as many blacks as whites--29 percent versus 8 percent--say they do not believe that their vote will be accurately tallied. Voting experts say the disillusionment is the cumulative effect of election problems in 2000 and 2004, and a reaction to new identification and voter registration laws.
Who exactly made the notion that elections are stolen or rigged "so common in the public sphere"? Wouldn't that be the Democrats, who never got over their grudge over Al Gore's photo-finish loss in 2000, who preposterously claimed Ohio was stolen in 2004, and who are already warning that if they don't do as well as they expect this year, it will be because of Republican dirty tricks?
ACORN: Questionable tactics to register voters.
It is pretty evident by the recent news that Democrats are trying to steal votes in the 2006 election. Recently it’s apparent that ACORN has done some really questionable things to make that theft happen. Sounds like they have a lot of questionable votes in some key states: lets see 3,000 in Philly, 200 in Denver, .
COLUMBUS, Ohio - An advocacy group that registered about a million voters two years ago is wrestling with new charges of voter fraud and sloppy work weeks before crucial midterm elections.
In Philadelphia, the city's voter registration office has rejected about 3,000 cards submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now since April because of missing information or invalid addresses. Election officials in three of Ohio's largest counties have cited problems with hundreds of voter registration cards. ACORN is accused of submitting cards with nonexistent addresses, forged signatures and in one case for someone who died seven years ago. "In my opinion there's a lot of words but little action in terms of fixing the problem," said Matt Damschroder, the elections board director in Franklin County in Ohio. County election officials in Denver forwarded about 200 cards to the secretary of state's office after discovering identical handwriting on signatures. Colorado officials investigated similar problems two years ago.
More Evidence
ACORN At it Again
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- A Florida state attorney is
Investigating thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations associated with the leading organizer of Florida's Amendment 5 ballot initiative. But this is just the tip of an iceberg of illegalities, fraud and contradictions connected to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). In recent days, ACORN has been at the epicenter of reports on thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations across the nation -- including many by ex-felons -- submitted by ACORN employees in the presidential swing states of Ohio, Colorado, Missouri Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Minnesota.
Impeachment Coming
Make no mistake about it. If the Democrats win the House and Senate, Impeachment is coming, don’t believe them. Impeachment is on the table. Jon Conyers of Michigan is already looking into the issue.
A vote for Democrats is a vote for Impeachment.
Impeachment plans began seriously coalescing in 2005, after the NY Times published classified aspects of the NSA surveillance program. In mid- December of that year, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-CA, asked a group of presidential scholars whether President George W. Bush had committed an impeachable offense when he authorized the NSA foreign surveillance program. John Dean, the long-time Bush critic of Watergate fame provided Boxer with the answer she and most other Democrats were looking for: “Bush is the first president to admit an impeachable offense,” he said.
Around the same time, Senator John Kerry, D-MA, told a gathering of 100 Democrats that, should they capture the House in 2006, there would be a “solid case” for impeachment based on President Bush's “misleading” the American public over prewar intelligence. Kerry was picking up where another prominent Democrat had, on November 1, 2005, left off. On that day, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called a rare closed Senate session with other Democrats to look into the “misinformation and disinformation” used by the Bush administration to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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